Enciclopedia del Universo Marvel

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Journey Into Mystery vol 1

89 (1963/2)

Thor - The Thunder God And The Thug !

Stan Lee (SCRIPT), Larry Lieber (SCRIPT), Jack Kirby (DRAW), Dick Ayers (INKS)

[1992/11] Orígenes Marvel 6 (El dios del trueno y el asesino)
[2001/7] Biblioteca Marvel: Thor 3 (¡El Dios del Trueno y el gángster!)
[2001/3] Essential Thor 1 (Thor - The Thunder God And The Thug !)

Barker's Body Shop

Stan Lee (SCRIPT), Larry Lieber (SCRIPT), Sol Brodsky (DRAW), Sol Brodsky (INKS)

[1975/1] Capitán América 5 (El taller de Barker)

When The Switch Is Pulled

Stan Lee (SCRIPT), Steve Ditko (DRAW), Steve Ditko (INKS)