Enciclopedia del Universo Marvel

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Epic Illustrated

1 (1980/3)

The answer

Stan Lee (SCRIPT), John Buscema (DRAW), Rick Veitch (DRAW), Rudy D. Nebres (INKS)

[2010/8] Estela Plateada de Stan Lee y John Buscema 1 (La respuesta)
[2011/4] Marvel Gold: Estela Plateada de Stan Lee & John Buscema 1 (La respuesta)
[2015/12] Marvel Gold: Estela Plateada de Stan Lee & John Buscema 1 (La respuesta)

Home spun

Wendy Pini (SCRIPT), Wendy Pini (DRAW), Wendy Pini (INKS)


Leopoldo Duranona (SCRIPT), Leopoldo Duranona (DRAW), Leopoldo Duranona (INKS)

For the next 60 seconds

Bob Larkin (SCRIPT), Bob Larkin (DRAW), Bob Larkin (INKS)

Metamorphosis Odyssey (1/14): Aknaton

James Starlin (SCRIPT), James Starlin (DRAW), James Starlin (INKS)

[2011/4] Dreadstar: Odisea de la Metamorfosis y Otras Historias 1 (Aknaton)

Lullabye of Bedlam

Ray Rue (SCRIPT), Ray Rue (DRAW)

Fantasies: History of human absurdity part 1 / The victor / Shakti

Mirko Ilic (SCRIPT), Mirko Ilic (DRAW), Mirko Ilic (INKS)


Ernie Colon (SCRIPT), Ernie Colon (DRAW), Ernie Colon (INKS)


Arthur Suydam (SCRIPT), Arthur Suydam (DRAW), Arthur Suydam (INKS)

Metamorphosis Odyssey 2/14: Za!

James Starlin (SCRIPT), James Starlin (DRAW), James Starlin (INKS)

Metamorphosis Odyssey 3/14: Juliet

James Starlin (SCRIPT), James Starlin (DRAW), James Starlin (INKS)


George Bush (SCRIPT), George Bush (DRAW), George Bush (INKS)


Carl Potts (SCRIPT), Carl Potts (DRAW), Carl Potts (INKS)

[2011/4] Dreadstar: Odisea de la Metamorfosis y Otras Historias 1 (Za!)